kind words said about us


Working with Tor and Phil is certainly a different and exciting experience. Their focus on people and relationships ahead of systems and processes is refreshing and at the same time challenging, perhaps even confronting. Our experience with them has definitely improved relationships and thinking in our combined team.

Chris Beaumont
Redpath Deilmann

“My colleagues and I at Primeast have worked with Phil and Tor for many years and found them to be change agents of the highest calibre, working steadfastly to consciously create conditions for a better future. t’is a privilege to continue our support for their Amcara journey."

Clive Wilson

“My experience of Phil and Tor… I found it challenging to put my thoughts into a few lines… so many gifts come to mind when I ponder on the union of two of the most inspiring leaders I have ever worked with.

Both have been my coaches and mentors for many years.. and their insights have caused me to pause and give deep thought to the contribution I wish to make to humanity.

Their combined skills as transformational facilitators and practitioners of consciousness…. their knowledge of bringing topics such as values, purpose and collective vision to life are extraordinary and they do so with love and humility.

If you are thinking about engaging their services or simply having a dialogue… I absolutely know you will come away a changed person.

Combine the qualities of compassion, generosity, curiosity and love and you’ll come close to experiencing the gifts of what these two amazing souls represent .. Throw in a bucket load of experience in business performance and tens of thousands of people they have impacted… You can be assured of a phenomenal success team by your side”

Annalise Jennings
Dynamic Exchange

Tor and Phil have a very different approach to their coaching style, it definitely takes you out of your comfort zone. This approach has lead us to have very open and honest conversations and we are a better team for it. I can wholeheartedly recommend the team at Amcara, they bring a wealth of experience, design engaging workshops and do it all with a culture of care and fun.

Phillipa Starmer
Anglo American - Woodsmith

“As a cultural anthropologist by training I have always been intrigued and fascinated by culture. The work I have had the privilege of doing with Phil and Tor over the years - almost decades now - is amongst the most powerful and profound work I have done. I am enthused and excited to walk the Amcara path together with them.”

Charles Holmes
CE Holmes Consulting

"I have been working very closely with Phil and Tor for over 20 years. Not only are they the most amazing colleagues, they are also the most experienced practitioners of cultural transformation that I have ever come across." “F******g Brilliant!”

Richard Barrett
Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values